Is it troublesome to transform Zhaoqing heavy-duty automated asrs racking?

July 27, 2022

Summary: heavy-duty automated asrs racking is difficult to upgrade, and warehouse efficiency can be improved by adding some storage equipment to assist operations.  

Warehouse racks are large industrial products, which are divided into two categories: automated racking and non-smart shelves. Generally speaking, the service life of warehouse shelves can reach 3-5 years or even more than 10 years. During this period, if the previous warehouse racks can no longer meet the furture cargo storage needs, companies may consider transforming the shelves. However, is Zhaoqing heavy-duty automated asrs racking transformation troublesome?


asrs racking

Shelf transformation itself is not easy, not to mention the large-scale industrial products such as warehouse automated asrs racking, which are more troublesome to transform. Generally speaking, automated asrs racking need to be modified because the size and load-bearing capacity cannot meet the current storage needs, rather than access efficiency or other problems, but it will still be very troublesome to retrofit.


Zhaoqing heavy-duty automated asrs racking is expensive and more difficult to transform. Therefore, before customizing automated warehouse racks, at least a warehousing plan that has been used for more than 5 years should be determined to avoid the situation that warehouse needs cannot be met after one or two years, which increases warehousing costs and time.


Of course, some warehouses can be transformed, such as food industry warehouses, using drive in racking. The drive-in rack can be transformed into a shuttle rack, but it costs a lot of money. After all, the price of a shuttle car is more than 100,000 yuan. Compared with directly repurchasing shuttle racks, it saves racking costs.


For other more complex types of shelves, it is better to repurchase the shelves.


In general, heavy-duty automated asrs racking is difficult to upgrade, and warehouse efficiency can be improved by adding some storage equipment to assist operations.
